Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Buildings Schmildings

So the surveyor calls today and says the boundary line (line that allows us to split the two propertites based on split zoning for each lot) between the two lots runs right through a building. We were not quite sure where that line would fall we know. So after talking to a few different people at the planning department at the county we are pretty sure that we can jog the line around the building and another barn leaving a 10' setback from each structure. It is a small enough change that hopefully does not require another permit application. The surveyor will have to come back out and do these additional measurements and set more monuments, and redraw the plat map...(more money, but hopefully this will fix it).

Tonight, after work and my hip hop dance class (Fun class) I come home and take a shower. The water shuts off just as I'm finished. I thought, perfect did it know I was done? Then I paused, realized what happened...the water is no longer running. The power is on, the water can't be shutting off? Is the well Dry? Are we all out of water? Did the pipes freeze and burst? We were talking about drilling the well deeper months ago. Hmmm... Zach just went outside to check the pumphouse, 11:30 pm, 30 degrees outside, and the pumphouse is about 500 feet away from here.

Always something going on. Tomorrow after work I visit with another mortgage loan officer for an estimate on construction loans. I have done business with her before and I like her. We will see how much their fees are and if we can borrow more than we originally wanted to. The more the better. I went to Selco Credit Union and Wells Fargo about two months ago and have read that I should try a mortgage broker instead of a bank. I'll post more on construction loans tomorrow...and give an update on the water situation.

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